Thousand island lake

First day, we went to "west lake" just next to the city of Hangzhou, and that was nice, but not as good as expected... Nice views, nice place, nice people (the one I was traveling with) but not what I expected, as everybody seemed to say it was the most beautiful place of China...

After a very long walk around that lake (we didn't make it all the way, perhaps a third of it in both ways) We took the bus again to another part of Hangzhou, 200 km further... Uh... Wasn't Hangzhou supposed to be a city? Whatever... We go to the city next to thousand Island lake, eat again (yes, when it is organised I don't miss any meal!) and went to bed after a quick walk in the city.

First time in a while that I can go to bed at 10pm without being annoyed by the cars and horns... This is damn good! I have slept soooooooo well! Woken up at 6 to be on a boat at 8am, we go to the restaurant of the hotel to eat a very chinese breakfast (I'll come back on it in another post), desperately look for coffee or fresh orange juice... Even the KFC next door is not yet opened... Damn it!
Once on the boat, we went around the lake for several hours, and visited some islands that each had a special theme. (I'll come back on this too) Very nice views, very calm, no cars anywhere, trees everywhere! God I needed that! Here is a view to keep you satisfied until I speak a little more about everything:

Pour les francophones, je suis désolé pour la langue unique, mais j'avoue mon manque d'entrain pour tout reécrire parce qu'il est tard... Les details et anecdotes seront tous au moins traduits en Francais, promi! Je ferais même peut être des trucs qu'en Francais pour vous faire plaisir...
So bad that the last photo is so tinny ! Is the blogger server that resize your picture ?
Anyway, in this trip you were a pupil or a guide ? :)
I change the size of the pictures so that it doesn't take too long to post... (If you clic on it it should be bigger... :P)
As I am fluent in chinese and very good in organising trips, I was a guide of course... My knowledge of china is soooo big!
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