Report week end!!!!

I had to do it... I have a dead line for that... that is in september and I need my ex advisor to read it before I give it to my french advisor... I hate to write reports... I booked my week end for that, and tried very hard to work... on the couch...
All saturday long, I tried it like that, but the TV was teasing me, as well as the pile of DVDs on the table...
Saturday night, I went to an art gallery for the opening of "when art meets fashion" or something like that... but didn't stay long... On the way home, I stopped in a shop to buy a vase, because I wanted to put flowers in my appartment since a few days, but didn't have a vase...
Sunday, after watching a movie, my willpower rose, and I decided to go and work in the kitchen in order not to be disturbed by the couch or the TV. I found out that my kitchen was a little dirty, so I began to clean the appartment... That was not productive, but at least I did something useful... Man, that was dirty! Anyway, after that, I managed to work a little and wrote in a few hours most of the report! Woooohoooooo!!!!! Only 5 pages left to write (approximately)

Then I went down to the Quick store next to my place (24/7 store), payed my bills (that is so cool, I just go to the store with the bills, and pay there, no need to send anysthing!), bought a meal, and went out to buy myself some flowers. I'm very happy of my flowers! the vase is not very beautiful, but I love the smell of the flowers!
ça me rassure je suis pas le seul à me faire chier/pas vouloir écrire ce rapport/avoir un appart crade...
il est plus crade l'appart, il est tout prop' maintenant!
Pile de DVD... zut c'est de notre faute ça ^^
I know how it feels not to be motivated to do something and being distracted by anything else. However, is always good to have a deadline to push things a bit. I like to flowers, I really miss having some at home.
Ouais!!! Première personne a me souhaiter un joyeux anniversaire aujourd'hui!!! Merci! Tu viens de gagner un prix spécial : une plaque de cote d'or au Chocolat noir!!!
Gagnez encore plein de cadeaux en répondant correctement aux quizz du blog tsoin tsoin!!!
Nouvelle question : Quel type de fleur est ce là?
You can win cookies, by answering the quizz!
Quizz question : What type of flower is that?
perso, je parle aux gens, c'est plus interactif ;)
pour la pile de DVD, j'en aurais acheté si je l'avais pas eue donc pas de pb ;)
Oh! I didn't know it was your birthday. Sorry for that... CONGRATULATIONS!! We will have a party in your honor :).
Vite vite faut que je sois la deuxieme personne au moins ! HAPPY BEUUUURZDAY !!
Sinon très sympa les flowers ! Pour le quizz je pense qu'il s'agir de fleurs de type fleuresque avec des pétalles et un vase. Zut je sens que je vais pas gagner de cookie avec ca !
Bon aller au lieu de dire n'importe quoi ici je ferais mieux d'aller taper du rapport !!
I was wondering why you wanted to buy flowers for yourself. Happy birthday to you. How old are you? 18?
Thanks for evrybody wishing me a Happy Birthday (and a happy beurzday too) I am not only 18! I will be old in a year now... (I'm 24) (as half of the people reading this blog is older than 25, I'm not sure they will agree on the old age limit :P)
For those who have a party in my honor, I want to see the pictures! or put msn on so that I can be with you!
I bought flowers not only for my birthday, but also because I like it! It's sooo nice! (and they really smell good)
Congratulations to l'accroclub who won his first cookie! (it will be a homemade one without milk or regular flour)
nouveau post demain soir je pense...j'etais trés occuppé cette semaine (et en plus j'ai pas pris mon appareil pour vous raconter tout ca en image...)
getting very late for the next post... I will try to do it tonight!!!
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