Good bye Lab!

So, today was overall my last day in this lab. I'm happy to go back to France, and really hope Shanghai will be as entertaining as Houston, but I still am a little sad leaving this place...
Thank you everyone, I had a nice time with you all.
The blog will stop for two weeks probably, and next post might be from Shanghai! See ya!

Im a poor lonesome student, and I'm a long way from home...
Euuuuhhhhh I've a long wy from home c'est mieux quand meme ! Ne pas, ne pas faire ca a l'oreille sans chercher a comprendre...
(il est tot, il est 6h c'est pour ca)
Snif ! So triste ! Hopefully it is not la fin, and it will be revenir in two semaines.
Have a nice retour and see toi at Shangai !
Ok, now all my stuff is packed except my computer... How could I put my hole room in two suitcases? That's a mystery to me... Now that I'm leaving I leave super egg in charge off the appartment! (see on the post)
It was fun to have you around! We will miss you kid!! Enjoy over there and keep writing. (how am I gonna practice my French now??)
Oh une table Ikea Groland !!!!!
Trop bien la table IKEA !!! Je mega kiff trop de la mort qui tue !
Tu m'en ramène une en souvenir ? aller ca va bien tenir dans tes valises !:)
Are you already in Shangai?? How is it going over there?? I will be in Rio in less than 2 weeks :)
I'll be in Shanghai on tuesday. a new post will follow my arrival.
Here are some links that I believe will be interested
Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.
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