First weekend in Shanghai
Last week end, we decided to stay in Shanghai. That was good for several reasons :The first reason was the price off the previous week end
The second one was to make me visit some places in Shanghai before Pierre goes away.

Then, we went to a library were we could find official DVDs and CDs, official enough to get the right to bring them back to France. Their price is not the same, but still reachable : about $3 each... Then, we went to the bund (a nice part of shanghai, next to the river where many people love to hang around)

On sunday, we went through the old city, it is very "movie on china" like! it looks quite poor, there are very small houses, and it looks like if it was not shanghai anymore... Then we stopped to visit a nice temple to play video games! (ooops, actually, only Camille did that ) We visited it, it was really nice and calm. We stayed there for an hour or two, and then moved to the silk market.

I'm gonna put a lot of money in clothes here!
Around 6, to finish the day, we went to see the sunset at the top of the Jin Mao (one of the tallest skyscraper in the world for the moment).

You should definitely enjoy all the anti-copy right products. But try not to do trading with them because we don't want you to spend a year in a chinese jail!!!
No problem, I do buy copied things, but I will leave them in china (I bought DVDs)... The copied clothes are very cheap, that's true, but the quality is very low... Copied shoes can be worn for a month or two maximum... If I don't go through a border with those things, I don't risk a thing.
I like Jiesel T-shirt !!! That sounds so cool !! Do you find any Adadas shooses ?
And what kind of video game she was playing ? I think it's a bit stupid to watch a little screen instead of admiring such country ! But it's its choice, tu tu du du tuuuuuuu (mmm with my english-french accent, it's terrible)
Nice try indeed! There are still some mistakes, but most of it is quite good, keep training your english!
I didn't find any adadas shoes yet, but I will look for that!
She was playing Loco Roko, a japanese game that, I must admit, is very addictive...
to help you in improving your english: shoes, "was she playing to?", "admiring such a country", "it's her choice". you see? not so many mistakes for someone who tells he can't speak correctly...
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