ba yuè er shi qi hao (27 of august)
Last week end, I had to sleep! But I didn't sleep that much...After a birthday week, having a party every night and having chinese lessons on monday wednesday and friday from 7pm to 9pm, I was a little exhausted, but as it was Lara's last week end, we went to do some shopping to the silk market! (She had ordered some things and cameto take them and I wanted to see the price of the shirts and maybe

When it came to the choosing part, I chose to buy 4 shirts, but as I couldn't make my mind on only four fabrics and four cuts, I finished by ordering 6 shirts, that I will have on next saturday (I could have had themon monday, but as I work...). (pictures of me wearing the shirts will be here) And I also chose to buy a velvet jacket, very nice, and also on my measures. 460 Yuans RMB for 6 shirts and 360 Yuans RMB for the jacket. That is very honnest... I'll come back again!
On saturday night, I was invited to the meal for Lara's departure in Marco's appartment (very nice view) on the 32nd floor. We ate some very good italian food, I practiced my italian, it was very nice (we were 6, and I was the only non-italian one...). Then, we went to a nightclub, during an hour, to finish the day. When I went home, it was 3amor so, and hadn't replied my mails... So did I, and I finaly went to bed at 4.

Sunday, at 1pm, I went with Damien play ping pong (actually we played from 2 to 3) in a stadium close to work. I lost, but I'll get my revenge on next sunday! This time, I won't be exhausted before beginning... Or I will lose again, but that is because of my lack of training...
After that, we went (still with Lara) to do some shopping again, but without planning anything... Finaly we went to the library, where we bought some maps (I bought one of china for me and one of Mexico in chinese for Andrea), we went in several shops, and I found some oil for my trumpet that needed some. I bought a guitar in that same "shop". not a good one, just good enough to practice a little. Maybe I'll come back because they were selling all kinds of instruments for very cheap... (with a quality problem maybe...)

The restaurant surprised us by the number of non vegetarian meals proposed, and especially by the size of the dishes... We thought we had ordered plates and saw huge dishes coming for us...

After the jazz bar, we all said goodbye to Lara, and went home. I did my chinese homework, and ended the week end by having a chat with my parents on msn. I went to bed at 3am... Monday was very productive... ;)
An italian night !!! Too coooool ! You should ask me some italian word !
Is there an Italian girl alone ? :P My place here in Turin is always open !
Ok ok I go out...
Je vois qu'on s'amuse bien en mon absence... tu ne t'es pas fait trop arnaquer? mon petit doight dit que si.
mon petit doigt a moi me dit que non, ca va, meme quand on se fait avoir ici, c'est quand meme une affaire... pour les fringues, vu comment on a bataillé pour faire descendre les 20 derniers Yuans, c'est sur que c'est bon, pour la veste, peut etre qu'on aurait pu batailler un peu plus, mais ca va, on l'a eu quasiment 2 fois moins cher que le prix de depart, pour la guitare, peut etre un peu aussi, mais j'en avais tellement envie que j'en ai perdu tout controle...^^
I am trying to learn italian words here and there, it's quite similar to french so it's ok. But thanks for proposing. It's funny, Lara is from Torino actually...
Hey Dude, looks like you are rockin' in China!
I liked your pictures from Yellow Mountain trip. How's work treating you over there? Less busy or more?
Hope you remember me!
Nilesh Kulkarni (Houston, TX).
of course I remember you! How are you doing? Yeah, Yellow mountains were a very nice place! Let's just say it's not the same job... I really don't work the same way (even if it's still on computers)... Life outside is different too... Very entertaining but not the same way...
J'ai pas rêvé !? C'est bien une fourchette tordue qu'elle a au poignet ta pote ?
oui, c'est cool hein? (c'est pas une vraie fourchette hein attention!)
Je relève, surtout, le restaurant végétarien ! :-D Belle poupée, au fait ! (ça y est, je parle comme mes grands-parents :-p)
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