Chinese food

While a guy is telling me that snake is the emperors food, a girl brings to me a cage full of alive snakes. While she tries to catch one, the guy tells me they are called 5 step snakes, because they are very venimous, but that they have cut the teeth to make them less dangerous. After 5 minutes, a snake is caught, and the girl takes it in one hand. When I ask, I'm told that they were caught in the wildmountains around Guilin...
Now comes the fun : The girl takes a pair of cisors, cut the head of the snake and try to maintain it over a little bowl contining rice alcohol to drop the blood in it. (Which is difficult as the snake is still moving...) Then they offer me the bowl to drink... After a little hesitation, I drink it! (No regrets)
Then they bring the mess to the kitchen and cook it.
As food, the snake is like fish, but less tasty and more chewy... with a lot of bones in it... I don't understand then why it is called emperor's food... (I'm told it gives strength and vitality)
Finaly, the waitress brings the bill, and sudently I understand why only emperors eat that...
The following day, explaining my adventure to some germans met during the boat trip, I learnt that if not well prepared, the snake could have been mortal to me... brrrrrrrr!

I also wanted to try bamboo rat, but the cost of the snake had gotten rid of my food budget... Sorry.
Poooooooor snaaaaaaaaake ! Only chinese people can do such horrible things ! It's scandalous ! Even if it's good food, I will call all the snake on earth and tell them to kill all chinese !
But for the dog, it's not a problem, there is already too many of them on earth, particularly the little stupid pet you show on your picture !
Save a snake ! Eat a dog !
And you're right! You should better eat dog, it's cheaper and better!!! (Actually I'm not sure it was that kind of dogs...)
Quand je pense que Monsieur a toujours refusé de toucher a du cheval (alors que ca n a pas plus d expression d intelligence dans l oeil qu une limousine, un cheval!). Mais alors le chien, pas de probleme... Je suis sur que Nuron sera ravi d apprendre ca.
Et ils t'ont aussi certifie que le chien avait bien ete battu a mort, comme cela doit etre, afin d attendrir la viande? (huuumm so tender). ;o)
RAH je te hais ! T'as pas le droit de rédiger ça en anglais ! Arg ... J'vais pas dire pour une fois que ça m'intéressait mais tu sais que c'est un sujet qui me tient vraiment à coeur la bouffe bizarre ...
Sinon pour le coup du bol de sang de serpent je savais déjà :p
Et pour le cheval, je rejoins ton frangin qui se propose implicitement de se joindre à Pierre et moi pour t'en faire bouffer !!!!
A un moment, j'ai failli le recopier mot pour mot en le traduisant, puis je me suis dit que pour la même dose de boulot, c'etait mieux de faire de l'inedit...
Pour le cheval, je maintiens ma position car je n'ai jamais vu un chien dressé etre envoyé chez le boucher...
French are as bad as chinese when it comes to food.....
And excuse me, snake meat is good, it is like eel, not like fish. Maybe they didn't cook it right. Bravo on the blood drinking. Even I wouldn't drink it.
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