On last week end, I and Kim went to Zhujiajiao, it's like a little chinese Venice. Very touristic, but very nice too. And the good thing is: it's only an hour away from Shanghai!
There is a funny very chinese like supersticious thing to do there: Throw a fish from the top of the biggest bridge of the town into the river. A golden fish for money and another one (I don't know its name) for health. As you give back a life to nature, you can make a vow. So next time I play, I should win to the nationnal lotery! (my goldfish was quite big)
As I was censored (the great artists are always censored some day...) and forbidden to put some pictures of Kim on my blog, I made a very representative drawing of her in Zhujiajiao.
Actually, we did a lot of things in one day! Drove to there from Shanghai, walked a lot, took the boat, prayed (not me, but still it took some time), took pictures, bought things, took a coffee, and drove all the way back to Shanghai! It was fun!
Maintenant que je vois les photos, forcement je reconnais le village de MI3... qu'il avait fait fermer pour le tournage d'ailleurs.
Ah bon? Si le film etait pas aussi pourri, je le regarderai bien derechef juste pour vérifier ca! (mais il est quand même trop mauvais pour me faire perdre 0.80 euros et 2 heures...)
Un village chinois avec des maison chinoises et de l eau. Je le reconnais!
J imagine le festin que c est pour les poissons carnivores en dessous de ce pont! ils restent la, la gueule ouverte en attendant leur sushi. Et toutes les 5 minutes, un pauvre poisson rouge doit faire un plongeon de 10 m (estimation pour finir bouffé. Et 10m pour un poisson rouge c est enorme! Comme plonger de 20m pour toi! Pauvre bete.
Very nice BMP picture ! We can see the terrrrrrrrific details all over the drawing and particularly on the body !
Would you teach me, one day, how to reach this state of perfection ? :p
Warning : this comment is completely ironic !
By the way, if you drop an other animal, for instance a cat, a elephant or a grandma, what's happen ? Do you earn more money ?
Mais le poisson que tu lances, il est déjà mort, non? Il doit y avoir peu de gagnants à ce petit jeu...
Ben non, il est vivant! Parce que déjà, lancer un pauvre poisson qui vous a rien fait dans un monde sauvage et brutal, c'est pas facile moralement, mais si en plus il faut lui faire du bouche a branchies pour le ranimer avant... berk!
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