Week end Italo-Francais
I didn't speak about that then, but 2 weeks ago, Lara came to Lyon. A light lack of time made me choose not to write about it, but instead, you'll get MY week end across the italian-french border.Everything began with the fact that Lara is going away to Argentina in a few weeks, and for a little while, and this week end was my last chance to see her again before her departure. Therefore, after a lot of strategy thinking about how to see each other (I don't have a car yet), we finally chose the solution of me going to Bardonecchia, where she was for the week end.
Le Puy, is like a huge family, and being there alone is very nice : I got invited for almost every meal! Very nice meals (easter meals) all week end long, which left me just enough time to do almost all the work I planned to do. (A glue problem stopped me from doing more)