Hangzhou, le retour de la vengeance

We took the train I already took the week before very early, but we had seats this time. And there was a chinese guy that talked to us (in chinese) during the trip, it was fun, and I was very happy to understand most of what he was saying... (even if I couldn't answer correctly) I must say that he was speaking slowly to make it easy to us. He was in the army, a pilot I think.

We arrived at Hangzhou, the sun was there, I have to mention it as there hadn't been sun since at least 2 weeks... So even if it was very cold, at least we had sun. (we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun...)
We've headed strait to a restaurant to eat a speciality of the place (the fish sauce aigre douce or something like that) avoiding all the KFCs on the way to a normal

A good thing about china is that most things are really cheap, so we could afford without a problem to rent 6 bikes, and play "hells angels" in the hords of chinese tourists! (I'm preparing for my motorcycle driving licence too). That was a lot of fun, and we really had a good time! We met some guys from Tchad that were studying in Shanghai, and talked a little bit to them.

After that was the time I had to pick the pullovers up. So we tried to find a taxi to there (impossible, they all seemed to be busy just at that moment...) and finaly took a mini van, more expensive, but at least we could be all together in the same car. We ended the day on a street a little further, doing shopping, looking at the tourist stuff and having fun. That was a nice day. (We found some thermic chemical reaction stuff that got quite useful since)
Il a l air pil poil a ta taille le velo, dis ;o)
C est bien un truc de touriste ca: il y a des KFC mais on choisi de manger la nouriture locale et hors de prix, meme pas bonne, pour faire 'typique' (alors que les locaux, eux, vont au KFC). ;o)
What exactly do you mean with "thermic chemical reaction" eh!! sounds suspicious...
It's a mixture in a closed bag, that gets hot when we create a chemical reaction inside the bag. It's cool!
Could you give us the chemical reaction (formula, delta G, molarity...)
Of course I can! I would if you were able to understand the reaction without a drawing... Because I can't draw on the comments. Now I've hung around with people in labs making weird things I'm able to explain any reaction on earth!
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