
Bon, j'ai deja deux semaines de retard, mais j'ai été trés occuppé... Je vais donc vous montrer qques photos de putuoshan. Putuoshan, c'est une ile au sud de Shanghai, avec plein de moines et de temples bouddhistes. Là, je vais la faire courte, si vous avez des questions hésitez pas. Putuoshan, c'est joli, y'a des couleurs sympas, des joli temples, mais alors une fois que le soleil se couche, y'a plus rien à faire et c'est carrement mort de chez mort.

Two weeks ago, I went to Putuoshan, it's a small island a few kilometers south of Shanghai. It looks close on the map, but it isn't! The speedboat takes 2 hours to go there plus 1h30 of bus before! It took the xhole morning to reach the island, so we didn't have a lot of time to visit it (25 hours in total). The island is full of Bouddhist temples, bouddhist monks and bouddhist prayers... It's very nice during the day, as the island is beautiful, and so are the

Beautiful pictures, but what are you saying? I see sadly the English-speaking only crowd has lost our stands. We have no representation any more:<:<:<
Ji,ji, ji... I thought you were learning French Connie...
Ok, I'm sorry, it was late, so I didn't make an effort... But at least, I'm happy to that my english speaking readers are still there! I'll translate it for you then...
Thanks for the translation. My French only enables me to know that something is written in French, not Italian or Spanish:)
About the temples, they are like churchs in Europe. People dedicated their money and energy into god worship, and no one wanted to destroy it for fear of angering the god. Besides, chinese and buddism is like French and catholic. We don't have to be religious, but we have the culture!
Oui, je pas comprendre tout quand ca est en francais, je dis.
Ca regarde cool cette ile. Et le soir, tu peux jouer a la PSP. Tranquille, sur la plage.
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