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Bon, je vais ressortir des vieux dossiers, c'est pas tout neuf (c'est le propre des vieux dossiers), mais bon, ca gardera mon blog artificiellement en vie pendant quelques jours.
Ces photos datent de mon voyage à Guilin, je suis passé près d'un panneau que je n'ai pas compris (en chinois évidemment) et ai suivi un sentier très sommaire (c'est comme un sentier très "extrait, abrégé d'un ouvrage") pour tomber sans tomber sur une vue très sympa de Guilin que vous pouvez voir ci dessous. (On notera qu'une vue sympa de Guilin est une vue ou on cache très habilement toutes les habitations, tant les chinois ont un gout certain pour le béton et les tours d'immeubles emballées dans du carrelage...)

Quizz (il faut, c'est quand même le but un peu de ce message) : que veut dire le panneau que j'ai passé pour prendre le sentier très table des matières?
Hangzhou, le retour de la vengeance

As I had to go back to hangzhou to pick up M&A's cashemire pullover from the week before, I was delighted to learn that friends of mine were going there too! So instead of just doing a quick trip, I went with them for a whole day.
We took the train I already took the week before very early, but we had seats this time. And there was a chinese guy that talked to us (in chinese) during the trip, it was fun, and I was very happy to understand most of what he was saying... (even if I couldn't answer correctly) I must say that he was speaking slowly to make it easy to us. He was in the army, a pilot I think.

We arrived at Hangzhou, the sun was there, I have to mention it as there hadn't been sun since at least 2 weeks... So even if it was very cold, at least we had sun. (we had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun...)
We've headed strait to a restaurant to eat a speciality of the place (the fish sauce aigre douce or something like that) avoiding all the KFCs on the way to a normal

restaurant, to find out that specialities of Hangzhou are kind of... special... So after a short frugal and expensive meal, we went out, still a little hungry, and we finaly decided to have a bicycle ride (instead of finding a KFC to finish the meal)...
A good thing about china is that most things are really cheap, so we could afford without a problem to rent 6 bikes, and play "hells angels" in the hords of chinese tourists! (I'm preparing for my motorcycle driving licence too). That was a lot of fun, and we really had a good time! We met some guys from Tchad that were studying in Shanghai, and talked a little bit to them.

After that was the time I had to pick the pullovers up. So we tried to find a taxi to there (impossible, they all seemed to be busy just at that moment...) and finaly took a mini van, more expensive, but at least we could be all together in the same car. We ended the day on a street a little further, doing shopping, looking at the tourist stuff and having fun. That was a nice day. (We found some thermic chemical reaction stuff that got quite useful since)
Petit plaisir pour Chuck!

Ches feules alz ont queu, ches jours i racourchtent. Ches dayas i sont au coué à l’ cafe, pis ches carot' al sont in muche. L’ ér al est frèque. El gauje à caleur,- éch termomète - al ardéchint . D’ichi in tiot copon d’ tan, el timpérature à n’ armontro pu dins l’ jour, pis chal terre al durchirot in avandeur, pis core éch frod i collero ches feules queutes su chal terre.
Comme chacun l'a compris,

il commence à cailler sa race ici! Cet article est là uniquement pour faire plaisir a Chuck qui ne comprenait ni les post en Francais, ni les post en anglais... C'est un vrai chti de chti! Ce texte n'est pas de moi, je n'ai pas le niveau en patois (honte à moi) mais pour me faire pardonner mon incultitude, j'donne in patate et in chicon al pu rapid' qui réussi à me le traduire en français ou en anglais!
As you sure have understood, it's beginning to get cold here! (and not only here I think) Chuck asked for an article in Chti, so here it is. You can win a potatoe and a "chicon" if you manage to translate the first paragraph in english, chinese, spanish, or french! (you have to be the first one)
retour au fabric market

I'm sorry for the previous article, but I had to do come back, and it was hard enough to write it in french. So this one is for you, english speakers!
So now is the second day! We went to a place I love: the fabric market! (Actually, I was not the only one to love it that day) but first things first, my memory is not so good, and the older I get, the worse it will become! (I know I still have time before my brain gets damaged by the old age, but we never know!) :o) So I don't remember if we went to the fake market on sunday evening

or on monday morning...
First impression: it's not as good as expected, the handbags are not of a good quality, and so are t

he clothes... Only the shirt buttons catch their attention. After one week, they'll finally go home with more than 4 of those fake bags, wallets, 2 sweaters... It's not so bad...
Then, we went to eat, somewhere I didn't know, and then went to the fabric market! That day, I established my new time record in the category "shopping in the fabric market" that was of about 3 hours and I made it up to 4 hours of intensive shopping, bargaining, trying, and buying! Cool! I won't say what they bought, but they bought a lot of it! (more than me!) and I only bought two new shirts and one new pair of pants.
For the rest of the week, I was at work and they were on their own, I only interfered in their departure to

Zhujiajiao on tuesday morning to take the bus, but for everything else, they did everything on their own! Full of resources!

Next post, I will tell you about the week end in Hangzhou, all three of us. I know this is not the most interesting article I've ever written, but at least it's better than nothing, right?