Quizz answer
There is still a Quizz to which I didn't answer: the folding gates ones!!!
I'm still amazed nobody found that the words "folding gate" could be on a folding gate... The winner is "l'accroclub" who found the closest and fastest answer... Here is the second part of the door:
Ah les communistes!!!!
Je le savais!!! Les communistes pouvaient pas avoir une économie qui fonctionne si ca cachait pas un truc malsain!!! Bon on savait que les chinois faisaient pas ca trés correctement, mais la censure commence a avoir des failles!!!
Voici un petit article du Monde trés interessant sur comment faire une belle économie et des beaux immeubles (jusqu'à ce qu'il y ait une enquête)

On last week end, I and Kim went to Zhujiajiao, it's like a little chinese Venice. Very touristic, but very nice too. And the good thing is: it's only an hour away from Shanghai!

There is a funny very chinese like supersticious thing to do there: Throw a fish from the top of the biggest bridge of the town into

the river. A golden fish for money and another one (I don't know its name) for health. As you give back a life to nature, you can make a vow. So next time I play, I should win to the nationnal lotery! (my goldfish was quite big)
As I was censored (the great artists are always censored some day...) and forbidden to put some pictures of Kim on my blog, I made a very representative drawing of her in Zhujiajiao.

Actually, we did a lot of things in one day! Drove to there from Shanghai, walked a lot, took the boat, prayed (not me, but still it took some time), took pictures, bought things, took a coffee, and drove all the way back to Shanghai! It was fun!
Cheung Chau (je crois que c'est le nom de l'ile)
Bon, je suis en retard pour raconter mes vacances, je reviens un peu en arrière, prés de Hong Kongsur une ile ou on est allé avec Pierre, c'etait trés sympa, trés chaud surtout!

Ca faisait vraiment vacances, parce qu'il y avait des endroits sans trop de monde, ce qui est assez rare en Chine quand on y pense...
A nice place to go if you are in Hong Kong and need a little silence, and to feel in vacations for real. A tropical island (not desert, but good anyway) where we had a little hike (about 8km in total on an island that must not be much bigger...)
Petit Quizz special (photo prise pour ca): Qu'est il marqué en vrai sur cette porte de garage ? Pourquoi ca se voit pas de prime abord sur la photo? Un cookie, comme d'hab a gagner.

Quizz : What is written on this garage door? Why can't we see it all on this picture?
Du riz dans les montagnes, quelle drole d'idée...

J'ai été voir des rizières aussi dans les sud! Les fameuses rizières qu'on voit partout dans les bouquins sur la chine! Ben c'est sympa. Les gens là bas, jusqu'a il y a une dizaine d'années avaint jamais vu de touristes, donc vivent encore un peu comme des paysans montagnards comme on les aime! (la télé et les vendeuses de souvenirs en plus).

C'est trés joli, un peu de montagne, ca m'a fait du bien. Là, c'est surtout la vue qui est impressionnante, donc je vais pas outre mesurement parler et juste vous laisser admirer le paysage.

During My Vacations, I also went to see the famous moutains where some people grow some rice in a specific way: terrasses. It's very beautiful!!! Just enjoy the view, it's better than me talking...

Juste un petit Quizz: Un quart de cookie pour celui qui peut me dire quels sont les deux ingrédients de base de la nourriture ici. Un autre pour celui qui me dit comment ils cuisent l'aliment principal...

A little Quizz: a quarter cookie for the one who can tell me what their two favorite ingredients are, and a whole one more if you can tell me the specific way they're using to cook it.
Croisière sur la LI river

Une des grandes occupations de mon séjour a Guilin a été la descente de la Li River, qui est ma foi fort jolie, bordée de bambous, d'habitations paysannes, et principalement par des montagnes magnifiques et vierges de civilisation. En effet, ces jolies montagnes sont soit trop abruptes, soit trop pleines de serpents qui sont aussi comestibles que nous le sommes pour eux... La raison de cette virginité doit simplement etre la présence de plaines fertiles partout autour, qui permettent aux autochtones de ne pas devoir s'attaquer a la nature sauvage. (En plus y'a des dragons dansle montagnes, alors attention!)

L'animal préféré rencontré durant cette croisière par votre narrateur est ce type de boeuf trés asiatique (je n'en ai jamais vu ailleurs qu'en chine ou a la télé des boeufs comme ca...) Ce qui est marrant c'est que ces abrutis de boeufs mangent des algues comme de vulgaires hypopotames, alors qu'il y a plein de bon bambou et d'herbe autour de la rivière... Il faut peut etre y voir la raison de leur selection en championnat du monde de culture de riz...

J'ai rencontré une "maison" hyperglodite sur le bord de l'eau, idéale pour les amateurs de pèche a la ligne en eau douche! frileux, pudiques et gens qui mangent autre chose que du poisson s'abstenir! (A part cette espèce de pont et un treuil, je sais pas si il y a beaucoup d'aménagements dans cette grotte...
Durant cette croisière, j'ai rencontré des allemand trés sympas, d'ailleurs, il faut que je leur envoie un mail, ils habitent sur Shanghai, Pudong, et bossent chez Porshe.

J'ai passé toute la croisière avec eux, c'était bien. (Et ca m'a permit de réviser un peu d'allemand qui s'avère être une langue trés parlée sur internet, même si je leur parlais en Anglais...)
Chinese food

Ok, before coming to Guilin, I was planning to eat special food, so when I heard I could eat some snake, I ordered some!
While a guy is telling me that snake is the emperors food, a girl brings to me a cage full of alive snakes. While she tries to catch one, the guy tells me they are called 5 step snakes, because they are very venimous, but that they have cut the teeth to make them less dangerous. After 5 minutes, a snake is caught, and the girl takes it in one hand. When I ask, I'm told that they were caught in the wildmountains around Guilin...
Now comes the fun : The girl takes a pair of cisors, cut the head of the snake and try to maintain it over a little bowl contining rice alcohol to drop the blood in it. (Which is difficult as the snake is still moving...) Then they offer me the bowl to drink... After a little hesitation, I drink it! (No regrets)
Then they bring the mess to the kitchen and cook it.
As food, the snake is like fish, but less tasty and more chewy... with a lot of bones in it... I don't understand then why it is called emperor's food... (I'm told it gives strength and vitality)
Finaly, the waitress brings the bill, and sudently I understand why only emperors eat that...
The following day, explaining my adventure to some germans met during the boat trip, I learnt that if not well prepared, the snake could have been mortal to me... brrrrrrrr!

The dog is a lot less funny to eat... they don't even bring an alive dog in front of me... I just got the plate with certified dog meet in it... And it's very good! Very tender! (I can't tell for the taste, because it was cooked in a chinese way, which makes every natural taste disappear...)
I also wanted to try bamboo rat, but the cost of the snake had gotten rid of my food budget... Sorry.
Vacations / Holidays

Hi, I'm back from a 8 days holidays during which I went to Hong Kong and Guilin, in south china. I did a lot of things, and I'm not sure I can say everything to you. I'll put what I did here and you will choose what you want me to blog.
-First, I went to Shenzhen, crossed the border to go to Hong kong and met Pierre there.
-Then we visited Hong Kong Island
-went to victoria peak
-Visited the floating island of Aberdeen
-Then went to Cheung Chao island not far from Hong Kong (still with Pierre)

-I went alone to Lion's rock as Pierre had less holidays
-I visited the 10000 Buddha temple
-I went back to China the same way I came in to fly to Guilin
-I ate snake
-I saw the minority Show
-I went on a cruise on the Li river to Yanshuo

-I went on a little cruise next to Yanshuo to see a very artificial reconstitution of ancient minorities
-I watched fishers fish with cormorans
-I ate special spicy noodles of Guanxi province (or was it noodled Spices?)
-I went to Longji, to see a minority that still lives like

they did centuries ago (no tourists until 10 years ago) that grow rice and spices on the mountain

-I ate Dog
-I visited a cave in Guilin, the elephant rock mountain, the special good sight peak with fog, the 4 lakes, the tea research center, the Guilin pearls jewelery, the silk factories
-I went back to Shanghai.
I guess that most of the Hong Kong part will be or is already on Pierre's blog, so if nobody complains, I will begin directly with Guilin... (You can complain)
The trip was very nice, and I had a great time (very expensive but good anyway).